20 year old Bradford Man Logan Tripodi will spend four to 18 months in jail.
Tripodi was convicted of giving alcohol to minors, making terroristic
threats, and DUI.
20 year old Bradford Man Logan Tripodi will spend four to 18 months in jail.
Tripodi was convicted of giving alcohol to minors, making terroristic
threats, and DUI.
26 year old Shane MAson was sentenced in McKean County court to 12 months
probation and a thousand dolalr fine for marijuana possession on Thursday.
PennDot has announced that the road work on the Route 219 Bradford Bypass
will likely continue through the winter, since workers are behind schedule.
That means those concrete barriers will stay up.
As though driving through such a tight space WITHOUT splippery roads was bad
State Police report that 23 year old Gadget Stone was injured in an alcohol
related crash on Route 646 in Cyclone, PA.
Her car was disabled in the crash. DUI Charges are pending.
Saturday is the day that Port Allegany will celebrate 125 years. The event
is highlighted by numerous activities throughout the day.
Here's a Schedule of events for the celebration.
8am-9:30am: Relay For Life Walk
9am-Noon: Pancake Breakfast at Senior Center
10am: Ceremony at Town Square
11am: Presentation of High School Court, Senior Citizen Royalty, and Photo
Contest Winners
3pm: Parade
6pm: Comedian Bob Stromberg at the Firehall
7-10pm: High School Dance
8:30pm-10:30pm Dance at the Moose Club
10pm: Fireworks at the Flats
WESB News reports that Pittsburgh Corning of Port Allegany has layed of 35
workers. PC spokesman Don Tanner says one of the plants manufacturing lines
were cut. Asian Knockoff varieties of glass blocks are credited for hurting
the market.
The Historical Architectural Review Board Chairperson, Brian MacNamara has resigned from his post. The Bradford man says he "was honored" to serve the City of Bradford.
State Police hace charged a Portville, NY man with leaving the scene of an accident in Ceres Township.
Bradford City Council is still working with the solicitor on the best legal recourse to rid the town of feral felines.
The Hamlin Memorial Library in Smethport will start up it's preschool story hour on Wednesdays at 10 am.
District Judge Dom Cercone heard and interesting case this week. Charges were filed against 54 year old Catehrine Langella for an incident that occured on Rockland Avenue in Bradford. Langello is accused of brandishing a revolver and making threats toward her neighbor's dog.
City Police report that two Bradford residents are in the county jail after an alleged drug deal Saturday.
City Police report that two Bradford residents are in the county jail after an alleged drug deal Saturday.
City Police report that two Bradford residents are in the county jail after an alleged drug deal Saturday.
41 year old Grace Telese has been charged with identity theft, forgery, and theft charges after allegedly stealing more than 200 thousand dollars from her elderly mother.
Janel Roller-Riel and Ryan Swanson were charged in 2004 with child abuse after the drowning death of a child Beacon Light Resident at the Heffner Resevoir.
Crosby PA was the scene for an interesting festival this past weekend. The Tater Fest was held at the Memorial Ball Field and Park.
The McKean County Chapter of the American Cancer Society held it's annual "Cowboy Relay for Life" on Saturday. The event has raised 10 thousand dollars over the course of it's existence.
A Bradford man has been charged with harrassment after an incident last Friday in Mount Jewett. According to Police, 27 year old David McClelland showed his violent side after two women refused to let him drink any more aclohol.
State Troopers say Lisa McDonald of Coudersport was not injured in a crash on Coleman Mills road in Liberty Township last Friday.
Key developments in the manhunt for Ralph "Bucky" Phillips:
A Port Allegany Motorcyclist was injured on Route 155 in Eldred Township. George Lee was driving his Harley when he struck a road sign. He was taken to Olean General by the Eldred Ambulance.
Some of the local businesses situated closest to the ongoing construction for the U.S. Route 219 Bradford Bypass project have taken a hit in sales this summer. Read the complete story in the Bradford Era.
A Bradford woman is facing theft charges for stealing lottery tickets. On Friday, Megan Thorton was arraigned for charges related to her alleged theft of three hundred dollars worth of lotter tickets from the Uni Mart on Bolivar drive, where she worked. According to reports, she took the tickets to another store to cash them in, where she recived three hundred additional dollars.
Good News for the Sinnemahoning-Portage Creek! DEP Secretary Kathleen McGinty says that the Norfolk Southern Railroad has been ordered to clean up any contamination and restore the creek. 40 thousand gallons of lye were dumped into the creek, killing all the fish within a 7 mile chunk of stream. "The Nature and scope of thie accident warrant a cleaup effort that is just as large in scale. Nothing less will do," says McGinty. The DEP is holding a public meeting Wednesday at 6:30 at the Cameron County Courthourse in Emporium to talk to residents about the details of the order, and any updated information.
Fall means changing leaves, cool, crisp autumn air and Sizerville State Parks Autumn Festival. This special event will be held on October 7, 2006 from noon until 4:00 pm. The Festival celebrates colonial skills and crafts that pioneer families used around the house and homestead. This year, there will be new events as well as returning old favorites.
A preliminary hearing for a Ludlow man linked with alleged New York cop-killer Ralph “Bucky” Phillips has been rescheduled.
The Bradford Era reports that a hold up on a payment for a vacuum flush
sewer machine got the Bradford Township Meeting fired up.
Chairman Tom Vickery asked secretary Annette Auteri if she wrote the check.
Auteri told Tom she was told by the other two supervisors to "hold on to the
Vickery questioned the delay. After a good bit of back and forth between the
supervisors, it was agreed the check shoudl be drafted.
Bradford Regional Airport Director Tom Frungillo recieved the "Innovative
Award" at the 26th annual Pennsylvania Aviation Conference Awards last week.
Frungillo says it's nice to get the recognition. He's credited with turning
the airport from a financial mess to a success.
Gas Prices are on the decline, with 12.8 cents as the reported drop. AAA
Fuel Gage reports the national average to 2.48, and Pensylvania's average to
2.51. Bradford's is reported at 2.62 per gallon.
Though many have noticed that AAA's Fuel Gauge is typically a few cents
higher than the price some local residents actually pay at the pump.
It is clear, however, that Bradford gas is a bit painful in comparison to
other local pumps.
Sound off about the gas prices. Send us an email and let us know what you
think. editor@rouletterebel.com
Police in Bradford Township are advising residents to lock their cars and
trucks at night.
A recent batch of burglaries prompted Chief Dave Doyle to make the
announcements. Storage Sheds and Vehicles on Nelson and Gregory Avenues have
been hit several times in the last few weeks.
According to a report in the morning's Bradford Era, 44 year old Colleen
Nobles has been charged with embezzelment.
Nobles was the former Tax Chief at the McKean County Tax Office.
On May 2, County Solicitor Michelle Alfieri requested an investigation after
fishy numbers showed up in an audit of the tax office records.
Nobles is also charged with tampering of records, and misapplication of
entrusted property.
The audit showed that Nobles did not pay her 2003 taxes until 2006. That gap
should have resulted in the property going up for a tax sale. The court
records indicate she may have inflated the taxes on another property as well
to cover for her own.
The addition of a heavy duty snowplow is increasing the cost of a new dump truck for the Kane borough streets department.
The Kane Borough Council voted 6-1 Monday to add a different snowplow to the truck purchase, which was approved last month by the same vote. Council President Howard Kane, Councilwoman Janet Bard and Councilmen Yogi Osmer, Dennis Drost, Mike Merry and Jim Salvamoser voted in favor of adding the heavy duty snowplow to the truck. Councilman John Gentilman cast the lone negative vote. In opposing the truck purchase, he said he believes the vehicle is “too big for our community.”
| ||
Artwork depicting a McKean County bobcat is featured on the newest commemorative lapel pin or hat pin available to residents who want to show their support for the "Pennsylvania Wilds," a 12-county region that includes Tioga and Potter counties. Read the Complete Story in the Star Gazette.
A driver from Wellsboro has been charged with DUI after a crash on Route 646 in Otto Township. State Troopers report that21 year old Colby Pierce lost control, went over an embankment, and rolled over, striking a tree. His passenger, 21 year old Bryan Pierce of Galeton was charged with disorderly conduct for alleged intoxicated behaviour at the scene. State Representatice Martin Causer was on the scene rendering aid. He is a licensed EMT.
According to court documents, former Foster Township Police Officer Todd McClain has filed a lawsuit against the Township Supervisors, claming that he was fired from his post, because he exposed gambling and pornography in the workplace. McClain was let go without pay in July for "improper conduct" and allegedly making false reports.
A Foster township Motorcycle crash sent a Painted Post Man to the hospital. Police say 54 year old Freeman Smith Jr. wrecked his bike on Route 646 near Duke Center, and had to be airlifted to Arnot in Elmira.
Fall means changing leaves, cool, crisp autumn air and Sizerville State
Parks Autumn Festival. This special event will be held on October 7, 2006
from noon until 4:00 pm. The Festival celebrates colonial skills and crafts
that pioneer families used around the house and homestead. This year, there
will be new events as well as returning old favorites.
Heres whats happening: The hands-on, make-it and take-it craft tables
will run from 12:00 noon until 4:00 p. m. in the Childrens Activity Area
between Pavilion #5 and Pavilion #6 (check the information booth next to the
Park Office for details and locations). The projects include: Pumpkin
Carving, Pioneer Games, Kite Making, Apple Cidering, Sun Prints, Leaf
Banners, Candy Making, Tin Punching, Birdseed Art, Paper Making and Pine
Cone Dipping. No fee is charged for these activities.
Special demonstrations and exhibits on-going are Beading, Maple Syrup
products, Tatting, Knitting, Musicians, Wood Carving, Kettle Korn, Candy and
Carmel Apples, and Wood Carving.
Smokey Bear will be making a guest appearance at 2:00 pm, compliments of
Emporium District #13, Bureau of Forestry.
Food vendors will also be on hand including a bake sale, Sandys concession
stand (with ice cream) and the Boy Scouts food booth.
Come join us and get a feel for what autumn was like for the pioneers who
settled this area. It is a wonderful event to attend as a family or as a
special day alone. Either way, you are sure to have a great time!
Want to shake off that cabin fever? Come join us for the 1st annual Winter
Snowshoe Building Workshop: Build you won pair of traditional style
snowshoes during a workshop on Saturday, October 28, 2006 from 9:00 am to
3:00 pm. The workshop will lead you step by step through the building
process with the completion of one wooden traditional snowshoe. The second
shoe is on your own, creating a product that can be passed on for
generations to come. Your snowshoe kit, provided by Country Ways, is brought
to you at a wholesale cost of $110. This fee includes the instruction,
adjustable bindings, ash wood frames, and nylon lacing. Everything you need
to complete your very own pair of quality snowshoes with confidence and
While you are completing your snowshoes you will be entertained and
educated on the history behind this rapidly growing wintertime activity.
After you complete your snowshoes be sure to return for the free, guided
snowshoe hikes scheduled through out the winter season at Sizerville State
Pre-registration is required to ensure that your kit arrives in time for
the workshop. Registration and payment is due by October 16, 2006. Please
contact the Sizerville State Park with questions and/or registration
requests at 814-486-5605. Workshop is limited to eight participants.
McKean County charges have been filed against the man that is accused of
harboring Bucky Phillips. According to District Judge Michael Kennedy's
office in Kane, charges of hindering apprehension and harboring and
concealing a fugitive have been levied agasint Todd Nelson of Ludlow. He';;
appear in a preliminary hearing October 23.
Charges have been filed against a Bradford woman after an Bradford Township
incident. According to Police, 30 year old Terri McIntyre was arrested
Tuesday, and arraigned on charges of endangering the welfare of children,
and making terroristic threats. She's in jail, awaiting 5 thousand dollars
ABINGTON, Montgomery County -- Governor Edward G. Rendell today announced
129 grants totaling $738,965 to create and develop projects that enhance
environmental education in Pennsylvania.
The grants support programs that engage students in environmental research
to expand their scientific literacy and ensure a future generation of
leaders who have the necessary skill and experience to recognize, comprehend
and help solve the worlds most difficult challenges.
Many of these education programs are taking young people into the
environment so they can understand, through direct experiences, the nature
of Pennsylvanias surroundings, Governor Rendell said. By letting them
experience the majesty of Penns Woods and the many challenges our
environment faces, we are hoping they will develop lifelong commitments to
keeping our commonwealth healthy and clean.
The grants were awarded by the Department of Environmental Protection to
schools, universities, nonprofit organizations and county conservation
districts to create and develop projects that will help to increase
environmental literacy among Pennsylvanians.
Projects range from creative, hands-on lessons for students to
teacher-training programs and ecological education for adults. Topics
include watersheds, wetlands, Pennsylvania ecosystems, and renewable and
nonrenewable energy resources.
McKean County Conservation District - $20,000 to create an environmental
education outreach program enabling students and citizens to learn through
various standards.
RepEMPORIUM - In response to the train derailment and subsequent chemical
spill that occurred in McKean and Cameron counties on June 30, 2006, Rep.
Marty Causer (R-Turtlepoint) recently wrote a letter to the Department of
Environmental Protection (DEP) seeking a special account to finance the
restoration of the area affected by the spill.
"We must do everything that we can to restore the exceptionally valued trout
streams to their original state," said Causer.
When the 28 Norfolk Southern railroad cars derailed, 44,000 gallons of
sodium hydroxide spilled into Sinnemahoning-Portage Creek, causing long-term
damage for several miles downstream.
In his Sept. 1 letter to DEP Secretary Kathleen McGinty, Causer encouraged
the DEP to establish a special account to deposit all fines collected from
the Norfolk Southern Railroad as a result of the derailment.
"By setting aside an account specifically for fines paid as a result of this
incident, we can ensure that money will be available to pay for future
restoration projects in the area affected by the spill," said Causer. "I am
hopeful that the DEP will act quickly to create this account and I look
forward to working with them throughout the clean-up process."
# # #
A Rew woman was arraigned this week on theft charges. According to Foster Township Police, Bonnie Welgan allegedly stole money from the Lighthouse Restaurant. Security cameras reportedly caught the theft on video. When the 40 year old was arrested, Police determined she is wanted in the state of Delaware as well. She was released on 5 thousand dollars bail.
From WKBW.com - Sep 08, 2006 - CARROLL, N.Y. (AP) _ Ralph ``Bucky" Phillips, suspected of shooting three New York state troopers _ one of whom later died _ was captured Friday night after more than five months on the run, New York State Police Inv. Gary Colon said. Phillips surrendered to police around 8 p.m., walking out of a field with his hands up. The end of the state's largest manhunt came after a frantic day of searching that started with troopers firing at Phillips then squeezing him into a tighter and tighter hole just over the Pennsylvania state line. Cheers went up at two state police barracks, one in Pennsylvania and one in New York, as news of Phillips' surrender spread. Twenty minutes later, cheers continued to resonate in the night air. Read the Complete Story Here. See the Video Here.
Bucky Phillips is now on the FBI's 10 most wanted list. According to WESB radio, his reward is now at 425 thousand dollars. Bucky is wanted for the shooting death of a NY State Trooper. He shares a spot on the top ten with terror mastermind Osama Bin Laden.
A Ridgway woman is in jail awaiting 1000 dollars bail. Kelly Jo Newton, 27, is accused of stealing money from a cash register at the Chestnut Street Uni-Mart in Bradford earlier this year. Seven charges of theft have been levied against her.
HARRISBURG -- Governor Edward G. Rendell today awarded 64 grants totaling
$373,554 to help small businesses enhance energy efficiency and promote
pollution prevention.
In Pennsylvania, we are investing in a broad array of advanced energy
projects to reduce our dependence on imported fuels, Governor Rendell said.
Residents and businesses are taking bold steps as well to help us achieve
this critical goal by making the commitment to improve energy efficiency and
conserve natural resources.
These grants help Pennsylvanias small businesses become more energy
efficient, cut waste and prevent pollution. By investing in innovative
technologies and processes, we are making our economy more sustainable, our
small business community more competitive and our nation, ultimately, more
D.L. Lantz Trucking - $7,500 to purchase and install a waste-oil burner and
furnace to conserve energy through use of alternate fuels.
Bush Trucking - $4,297 to purchase and install an auxiliary power unit in a
long-haul trailer to eliminate idling during layovers.
Myrtle Leasing Co. - $4,250 to purchase and install an auxiliary power unit
in a long-haul trailer to eliminate idling during layovers.
Each September, a nationwide effort is made to encourage Americans to take
simple steps to prepare for emergencies in their homes, businesses and
schools. During National Preparedness Month, federal, state, and local
governments, as well as non-profit organizations and voluntary agencies
implement information tools to educate the public about the importance of
individual and family preparedness.
A recent survey conducted by The Ad Council found that 91 percent of
respondents said it was very important or somewhat important for all
Americans to be prepared for emergencies, but only half of respondents said
they had an emergency supply kit. During the 2006 National Preparedness
Month, over 1,000 national, regional, and local organizations will be
working to ensure that 100 percent of Americans are ready.
With the threat of flooding from possible hurricanes and storms during the
remainder of this hurricane season, residents should take this time to form
a plan and make sure they are prepared for future emergency and disaster
situations. There are multiple resources available to individuals, families
and businesses from federal and state agencies. The Pennsylvania Emergency
Management Agency (PEMA) provides preparedness information online at
www.pema.state.pa.us and www.paflooding.state.pa.us. The PEMA web sites
provide updated local disaster news, links to local, state, and federal
Internet resources, and printable preparedness guides for your family or
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has developed the web site
www.ready.gov. The Ready web site provides helpful information about
disaster preparedness. It is a valuable resource that places the tools and
knowledge in a central location, accessible to all Americans. Residents
without Internet access can call 1-800-BE-READY (237-3239).
National Preparedness Month is a great opportunity to get your whole family
and community involved. DHS and the Federal Emergency Management Agency
(FEMA) have free brochures and booklets available that cover different
aspects of disaster preparedness. Some of these materials can be printed
from the www.fema.gov web site. You can also order free copies of the
materials by calling 1-800-480-2520. There are several materials to choose
from that give detailed information about how to prepare for emergencies.
Below are two publications that give thorough information and can help you
on your path to preparedness:
Ø IS-22 Are You Ready: An In-Depth Guide to Citizen Preparedness
Ø Preparing Makes Sense: Get Ready Now
Get your kids involved in your preparation. DHS and FEMA have both developed
children-specific websites to help teach children of all ages about being
ready, by using games, age-specific activity guides, and other school or
family activities. On DHSs www.ready.gov/kids, you can follow Rex the
Mountain Lion and his family as they prepare themselves and their friends
for disasters. FEMAs www.fema.gov/kids has games and activities, and kids
can read about the experiences of other children that have been affected by
disasters. Both websites have links and resources for parents and teachers,
including printed materials that can be used at home or in schools.
Encourage your kids to take information to school, or volunteer your time at
the school, your community center, or a civic club to do a short
presentation about preparedness that can help your community. A valuable
resource that can help you reach out to your neighbors is Citizen Corps.
Citizen Corps helps people prepare, train, and volunteer in their
communities. Visit www.citizencorps.gov for more information.
Remember, there a few simple steps you can take that will help you be
Ø Prepare a Disaster Kit:
o A disaster kit should have essential supplies needed to sustain
yourself and your family during and after a disaster; preferably for a
72-hour time period. The most essential supplies for a kit are water,
non-perishable food, a radio, a first aid kit, extra batteries, and unique
family needs such as prescription medications and important family
documents. You may need to sustain yourself for multiple days, so make sure
to have at least three gallons of water per person and plenty of
non-perishable food items.
Ø Make a Plan:
o Essential components should include a communication plan, an
out-of-town contact, an evacuation plan, a shelter-in-place plan, and
knowledge of emergency plans at work, school, and other areas of your
community. Its also very important to have an established meeting place in
case you are separated before or during a disaster.
The communication plan is essential, especially in the event of evacuations,
and should include emergency numbers such as 9-1-1, cellular and land-line
phone numbers for in-town and out-of-town family and friends, and contact
information for shelters and hotels.
Ø Be Informed:
o Pay attention to updates from your local emergency management
agencies and news media. In the event of a disaster, listen to the advice of
these agencies. Stay tuned to local weather reports and keep abreast of road
closures and suspended government services such as school and government
agency closings.
Keep informed about all the different types of disasters that could affect
your home and community. Remember, some of the things you do to prepare are
the same for both natural and man-made disasters. To become more familiar
with how to react in an emergency, go to www.ready.gov or call
1-800-BE-READY (1-800-237-3239).
By making September your month to get ready, you can help yourself, your
family, and your neighbors be aware, be safe, and be prepared.
FEMA manages federal response and recovery efforts following any national
incident. FEMA also initiates mitigation activities, works with state and
local emergency managers, and manages the National Flood Insurance Program.
FEMA became part of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security on March 1,
Kathy Brooks
Potter County Dept of Emergency Services
24 Maple View Lane
Coudersport, PA 16915
814-274-8900 (voice)
814-274-8901 (fax)
PhillyBlurbs.com - The maker of Zippo lighters is turning up the heat on knockoffs of the distinctively shaped - and trademarked - lighters.
28 year old Mandie Johnston is charged with theft by deception. Court
records say that Johnston allegedly stole money from Parkview Supermarket
while she worked there in 2004. She is free on her own recognizance.
22 year old James Fleck is facing charges for an incident in July. He
appeared in court to attend to charges that he struck a woman and her one
year old child during an altercation. Fleck is free on Bail.
Three Port Allegany Residents were arrested after a burglary last Wednesday.
According to Police, Christopher Rethmel and Shawn Griffith were jailed on
criminal conspiracy, burglary, theft, and trespassing charges for breaking
into the Port Allegany Jubilee. Danielle Toupin is charged with recieving
stolen property and theft.
All three will appear before District Judge Todd for a preliminary hearing
September 18. Port Boro Police say Rethmel and Griffith cut a section of tin
wall after climbing on the roof of the store. 5 thousand dollars was stolen
from the safe.
27 year old Michael Young and his brother, 25 year old Shawn Young have both
appeared before Magistrates in McKean County on seperate incidents involving
Michael Young is facing charges for ccorruption of minors, identity theft,
driving with a suspended licsence, and having sexual relations with a
sixteen year old girl for an incident in January. According to State Police,
he told officers that he was his brother when he was pulled over.
His brother Shawn is facing charges of indecent exposure, open lewdness, and
disorderly conduct for an incident this summer at a Turtlepoint swimming
hole. Police say Shawn exposed himself to two girls, ages 15 and 16.
HARRISBURG - Reps. Marty Causer (R-Turtlepoint) and Kathy Rapp (R-Warren)
have announced that three local organizations will soon receive grant awards
totaling more than $4,000 through the Pennsylvania Rural Arts Alliance
(PRAA) Board of Directors.
"Music, dance, literature and art enhance the quality of our lives," said
Causer. "These grants will continue to help the arts grow in our communities
and keep these programs affordable to the general public."
"I am a strong supporter of the arts because they play an important role in
our lives by enabling us to see the world and the human condition
differently," said Rapp. "This funding is essential in promoting
appreciation for the arts in our communities."
The following groups will be receiving grants from the PRAA:
· Bradford Little Theater, $1,753 for operating support of the
2006-07 season which will consist of four full productions, a
playwright-in-residence program, and a theater apprentice program in
partnership with Bradford Area High School.
· Kane Area Recreation & Cultural Commission, $627 for a November 25,
2006 public performance of "A Christmas Carol," presented by Theaterworks
USA in the Kane Area High School Auditorium.
· Mountain Laurel Harmonizers, $707 for the support of the 2006-07
season of the Mountain Laurel Harmonizers which will include four major
· Stable Playhouse Community Theater Group, $971 for an all volunteer
production in Kane of the musical "The Wizard of Oz."
These organizations will be recognized at an awards ceremony in September at
the Bottleworks Ethnic Art Center in the Cambria City section of Johnstown,
where they will also receive their grant checks.
The PRAA is a re-grant program of the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts. Now
in its eleventh year, the PRAA awards funds to small arts organizations and
individuals who undertake arts projects which are available to the general
Fall is in the air, and that means it will soon be time for Sizerville State
Park's 16h Annual Autumn Festival. This year's celebration of traditional
and pioneer crafts will be held October 7th from 12 noon to 4 pm. However,
to make this hometown event a success, the park needs donations and
volunteers. We need donations of pumpkins and gourds for the pumpkin
decorating station at the festival, candles and wax for candle-dipping, and
apples for the cider-making demonstration. You can drop items off at the
Environmental Learning building or the Park Office between the hours of 8am
and 4pm Monday through Friday.
Volunteers are also needed to help with the many stations and other
activities. No specific skills are required and we are sure you will find
this volunteer experience rewarding (and fun)! Anyone interested in helping
with this event is encouraged to call the park office at (814) 485-5605 for
more information. Your help is greatly appreciated and the key to making
this hometown event a success.
For more information on Sizerville State Park's 16th Annual Autumn
Festival or to find out how you can help, contact Jake Weiland at (814)