i had to cut through your street the other day. I didn't have to go far, but I had to get there in a hurry. I was running late.
Little did I know that on your little one lane street, you residents park on BOTH STINKING SIDES.
so as i pulled around a car on the left, and a car on the right, another car on the left had left about 4 feet of room between it and the next car on the right..
my big ole duct taped van will NOT fit in a four foot place...
i got stranded.. i couldn't back up.. (i don't have the talent to navigate through tight spaces backward..)
i couldn't drive forward..
and the street was TOO NARROW to turn the van around in between the cars.. i kept bumping the high curbs, and almost bumped the telephone poles and cars.... came really close to doing some damage.
so after a few minutes of back and forth, i called the Police.
They told me Monday was "Changeover Day"... and that it might be a good idea to avoid that street on that day... I asked if I could drive trough a yard to get out if i could get that far.. he said, "If that's all you can do.. just don't hit anything... if you can't get out in a few minutes, call and I'll come down and see what we can do."
SO i tried to drive through a yard, and couldn't get around.. utility pole made it just too tight.
so i looked at the offending car.. the one blocking off the traffic.. i asked all the neighbors (who i had drawn out with all my back and forth stuff.. all afraid that i would hit their cars.)
no one knew the offending car..
so i looked.. it was unlocked with the keys in it.
So to whoever owns that car..
sorry if it wasn't EXACTLY where you left it..
i had to move it.
and I made it to my destination "fashionably" late.
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