WFRM.net reports:
State police at Kane say charges are pending against a Bradford driver following a one-vehicle crash Wednesday morning on Route 770 about two miles east of Route 59 in Lafayette Township. Melissa Holt was headed east when her Honda Pilot went off the road and struck an embankment, two stone walls and a tree before coming to rest. She escaped injury.
A couple of hit and run crashes taking place yesterday are under state police investigation. At around 5:30 a.m. an unknown small dark colored west bound car went off of Route 6 near Hazel Hurst and struck three mailboxes. The car became stuck in the yard at the Richard Raught residence and the driver left the scene on foot after trying to get it out of the yard. He returned some time later in an SUV which pulled the car out of the yard. And, an unknown vehicle struck the wooden guard rail on a bridge, knocking it off its supports.
from WFRM.net
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