Dear ABC News
After watching your piece on Crisis Pregnancy Care Centers, I have to
express my opinion. I am a journalist, and I wanted to throw the tv
across the room after watching such horrible and irresponsibly
Every sentence of that segment was dripping with bias.
You did not give the Pregnancy care centers a reasonable chance to
explain themselves, you obviously took out what you wanted to use from
your interview footage to make them look dishonest and deceptive.
The placement and the flow of the story resulted in a similar air, and
to the millions of uninformed Americans that you have already
brainwashed into thinking your journalism is not slanted, the story
succeeded in vilifying good people who want to help people.
The children that "THEY" call a gift from God? I have four of them...
And I am angered and frustrated at your biased reporting. You have a
responsibility to inform, not influence.
The News Revolution is here, and you will see that this kind of
reporting will sink you and destroy your empire, if it doesn't destroy
our country first.
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