The following is a memo from City Clerk John Peterson to Mayor Michele Corignani and Bradford City Council.
Following the devastating storm on Saturday evening, August 25, the city's unofficial motto "Cool Town, Warm Hearts" was never more evident. Scenario after scenario unfolded over the weekend with neighbor helping neighbor, business owners helping city work crews, adn the list goes on and on. To try to thank everyone would be virtually impossible, but some deserve special recognition.
Penelec for the coordinated response. More than 85 lineman plus supervisors and mechanics were on site from as far away as Erie, Meadville, Clearfield, Johnstown and Cleveland. They worked around the clock to restore all power by 12 p.m. Sunday.
Davey Tree Service for their invaluable assistance to electrical crews and our residents.
Verizon for all of the necessary pole replacements.
Country Fair and Store Manage Melinda Haynes and Her Staff for keeping city emergency vehicles fueled while power was out at our normal facility. In addition, Country Fair fed and supplied coffee for city crews and special police.
Bradford Sub Shop for feeding City Fire Department emergency workers.
Bradford Special Police for their dedication and countless hours of work this past weekend. They provided coverage for the Crook Farm Country Fair as well as emergency storm coverage, and returned to provide coverage of Crook Farm again on Sunday. Chief Lloyd Huntoon and his staff deserve a round of applause and a sincere thank-you.
City Fire, Police, DPW and Parks Employees for their tireless efforts in all areas of the city as they reopened roadways, tended to emergency needs of our residents and their continuing efforts to restore our city to its nomal condition.
Bradford Water Authority, Sanitary Authority, Flood Control Authority and Adjoining Municipalities both local as well as Kane Borough and Wetmore Township for their assistance as the cleanup effort continues.
McKean County Emergency Management Agency for their response to the Bradford area.
Bona Responds for hearing about the storm and respondng from St. Bonaventure University to our community.
I am certain that this is just a very short list of people and agencies that have stepped up to help. I apologize to everyone that may have provided assistance that were not mentioned; these are only the ones that I have been made aware of.
Finally, perhaps the biggest thank you should go to all of our community for whatever assistance you may have provided during the storm. Whether it was cutting up trees, hauling branches, sharing generators or tools, cleaning off storm grates, etc., etc., etc.. In 35 years of government service I don't think I have every been more proud of our city residents and workers.
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