WESB.com reports: The man accused of starting the fire that destroyed 4 Kennedy Street homes last summer, and left 11 people homeless, has reject a plea deal and wants a new lawyer. 19-year-old Terry Bornheimer of Emporium rejected the plea agreement because he says he feels Public Defender Ron Langella hasn't represented him properly. Judge John Yoder told Bornheimer that he can't hand pick a court-appointed attorney, and a difference of opinion is not a reason to have the court appoint another lawyer. Bornheimer is charged with arson endangering persons, arson endangering property, criminal mischief, criminal solicitation of arson and liability for conduct of another. He and his mother, Debra Miczo, are charged with intentionally setting fire to a home Miczo owned at 170 Kennedy St. in Bradford on Aug. 10. The fire spread to three other houses. Miczo's case has been scheduled for trial.
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