HARRISBURG, Pa., Jan. 24 /PRNewswire/ -- Governor Edward G. Rendell today said Pennsylvania will help revitalize 153 senior community centersacross the state with $4 million in grants. "Senior community centers contribute in many different ways to the wellbeing of our older residents," Governor Rendell said. "Each time I visit asenior center, I'm reminded of the important role they serve in the livesof so many Pennsylvanians." Senior centers offer clients a broad range of services, includingnutritious meals, health screenings, consumer education, creative arts,exercise programs, and special events. Some centers also offer older adultday services, employment opportunities and transportation. Governor Rendell said the funds will finance necessary repairs,renovations and new equipment at the centers, helping to meet the needs of Pennsylvania's changing population of older adults. Department of Aging Secretary Nora Dowd Eisenhower said some centerswill receive grants to study how to attract, and better serve, new clients. "Many forward-thinking senior community centers are working to attractmembers of the 'Baby Boomer' generation, some of whom may mistakenly thinksenior centers have little to offer them," Eisenhower said. "By investingstrategically, and carefully planning ahead, we can ensure that seniorcenters will continue to be healthy and vibrant contributors to ourcommunities."
McKean County
* Port Allegany Senior Center, Port Allegany, $5,000 for electronic upgrade.
* Greater Bradford Senior Activity Center, Bradford, $46,000 for a kitchen addition and purchase of associated appliances.
Potter County
* Oswayo Valley Senior Center, Shinglehouse, $3,000 for gas furnace and air conditioning. Schuylkill County
The Rendell Administration is committed to creating a first-rate publiceducation system, protecting our most vulnerable citizens and continuingeconomic investment to support our communities and businesses. To find outmore about Governor Rendell's initiatives and to sign up for his weeklynewsletter, visit his Web site at: http://www.governor.state.pa.us.
Labels: governor, mckean county, seniors
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